In a plain brown wrapper

This is a site to point out the idiocy of being an illegal.. standing, marching, "protesting" in the streets of America about not having any Constitutional Rights. Hey stupid!! You're not a citizen. Duh! The Constitution is for Americans. Who is it that is organizing these people? Who is it that is supporting this Sombrero from Outer Space Alien Invasion? Let's throw out the illegals. Let's fine and or jail those who hire them and take away jobs from Americans. Let's build the Fence! Now!!!

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Location: United States

Let us gather our back packs and tools Let us hone our intelligence and skills Let us not be the useful idiot fools That as they lay in their beds are killed Let us rise up with the sun Let us stalk the night with the moon Let us our good works get done For soon we will be singing the Swords bloody tune Neils 4:53 am 06/15/2011

Monday, April 03, 2006

What do you want the illegals to do

I want them to act like Americans

In their own country
I want them to work for freedom there
I want them to work to change things
To bring about a more equitable air

Amongst their own population
Amongst their own institutions
To bring justice to their own land
To write and live by their own constitutions

I want them to stand up
To educate themselves and take power
I want them to eradicate their own evil
Life is not all streams of dreams and flowers

I want them to act like Americans
When facing their own troubles and woes
I want them to draw together and find out
Who are their true friends and foes

To root out corruption at its core
To dig out the oppressors behind their walls
They have been built to keep fellow citizens out
Because they think they own it all

I want them to improve where they are
Freedom grows where you plant it's seed
Where you nurture it where you defend it
Where you honor it even if you have to bleed

I want them to make their own country good
And worthwhile to live in
Quit running away and coming to me with
Your hand out

It is not
Making me look at you as a friend...

5:14 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant! They need to fix their own "home" and make it worthy to live in. I've heard nothing along this line of thought before.

They have not taken personal responsibility.

Good on YOU for writing this!!


10:58 AM  

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