I notice
always talk about International law, The Hague Court,and
Human rights but never want to take their half baked but
completey fake flake thoughts and expressions deep into the countries of darkness where the most violations occur...
Right here in the US of A
Is where they prefer to whine and moan
They want all the freebies they can get
But no responsibility for this place
We call our home
Why don't you take your raggedity butts down South
And protect the Illegals in their own home towns
That way you'd be checkin the problem at the source
That way you'd get a real close view what's goin down
And you wouldn't be such side line wannabe experts
You could get yourself a belly full of rot and stink
Then you'd really know how the real oppressors operate
You'd get some hard experience how the corrupt think
You care so much for these refugees from the land
Of the torturers the drug lords and the power mad insane
But yet everytime you turn around you've always got some
Excuse why you don't want to go down there and play their game
Oooooohhhhhhhh I love my country my culture my heritage
Oooooohhhhhhhh I love my green white and red Mexican flag
But I don't see anybody down there in some town square
Burning that good for nothing rotten stinking rag
Not in the name of Freedom or to protest all the wrong
Oh Hell no everybody just bows their heads and goes along
While the suffering goes on and on and on and on and on
Like beaten and belittled down in the dirt is where they belong
Long live the Revolution as long as it's safe and cool
Long live the Revolution as long as it's not against the cruel
Long live the Revolution as long as it's not against
The self serving who beat the peasants like they were their mules
Oooooohhhhhhhh I love my country my culture my heritage
Oooooohhhhhhhh I love my green white and red Mexican flag
But I don't see anybody down there in some town square
Burning that good for nothing rotten stinking rag
10:56 pm
n-si' si',/no!no!/jose' crawls here on his belly,brings that white-green+red rag like it represents "heem" and waves the "re;conquista"to see if we,the people.still have the balls to kick thier gringo[as they are""" FOR-[and babble spanglish}NERS!"go back and fix that cesspool and take a aclu and a liberal under each arm with your stolen pick up+untaxed cash-///BASTA!!!bubba---grrr--p.s."gringo" means in spanish a babbling "bar-bar"language not anglo-saxon english whose blood/sweat+tears united u.s.where is mexico at our side in irak-a-stan.al-quita?nafta-do we hafta?
There you go
There you have it
Now there's an excellent example
Of the word from down in the trenches..
Much respect
8:55 am
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