Give them your car
Give them your home
Give them your daughter
Stand stripped and alone
And then
Till your blue in the face
Be ashamed of yourself
Claim no place of grace
And then
Give them money
And hospital care
Give them food stamps
Prove that you care
And take food
Out of your childrens hands
It's not your turn anymore
This is no longer your homeland
Cry your tears
For every sob story
Fed you by the media whores
Who claim their glory
By being compassionate
With your freedom and lives
Everything they do
Is merely to survive
Smuggling drugs
Gangs and home invasions
You just don't get it
Understand the situation
That's why they murder
Rob and steal
It's not your turn anymore
That's not the deal
Identity theft
Voter Fraud
You will be judged
And by a harsh God
For offering any resistance
To the Undocumented plight
Just give in give up surrender
You know it's right
The Peace loving drug cartels
And the whores and thieves
Who use their labor
And ignore those who have to grieve
For the damage done
By the arrogant and proud
The new carpet baggers are here
They're the Open Border Crowd
10:58 am
with respect to Jesse James
and his.........solution
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