Is what they call you
When you're the one not selling out
White Trash Is what they call you
When they don't know what it's about
They don't know about the borders
They don't know about the crime
They don't know about the rapes and murders
Because they don't take the time
They just want to be hip
They just want to be cool
They just want to be clever
They think you should be schooled
Because you know about identity theft
Because you know how they can disappear
And leave you with the bills
And destruction of what you hold dear
White Trash
Is what they call you
When you're the one talkin law
White Trash
Is what they call you
When you tell them what you saw
And that's the truth about the gangs
About the damage to our Health Care
About the theft of public services
But they don't want to be aware
Of what it takes to make a change
Of what it takes to make things right
Over 3,000 dead Americans every year
But we're not really in a fight
Unless we're White Trash
So think the pampered elite
Who will appease till the very end
Till all are prostrate at the feet
Of La Raza and La Mecha
Of Pancho Villa and his ilk
Another guy and girl just got killed
And it's all just crying over spilt milk
According to the punk brigade
According to the surrender team
According to the what can you do about it guys
Besides it's just the death of a dream
Except to White Trash
Somewhere you draw the line
When it comes to the illegal alien invasion
And this sacred home land that is mine
transcribed this time
12:40 pm
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