You'll never know....
How much you've crushed my spirit
Dampened my will to go on
Now I just lay in bed and worry
Worry worry worry till the break of dawn
I don't eat much now-a-days
It seems I've lost my appetite
It's hard to get back up when
You've been beaten so badly in a fight
The damage I've suffered
Is to such a depth and extent
I may never ever ever recover
My strength and determination is spent
I feel like such a loser
After being so hardily slammed
I don't even know how it happened
I don't remember who I was or am
What an overwhelming force you are
What sharpness there is in your hunters eye
What perspective in your beguiling style
Please please don't tell any one
But now all I can do is cry
You'll never know
You'll never know
How much you've crushed my spirit
Dampened my will to go on
Now I just lay in bed and worry
Worry worry worry till the break of dawn
5:20 pm
written in response to something about my poetry being
as atrocious as my judgment when it came to my work
justly castigating Johnny (the persecuting prosecutor) Sutton.
but then another reader adroitly, dry wittedly
saitirically commented:
"Poor Neils,....crushed again and again..
To which I, like genius and I
hung around in the same reading rooms
rather than the back alleys,streets and
under the bridges of this great expanse
that goes to make up our homeland;
Off handedly remarked:
Yeah sorta like a miracle in reverse
except for the coffee breaks
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