In a plain brown wrapper

This is a site to point out the idiocy of being an illegal.. standing, marching, "protesting" in the streets of America about not having any Constitutional Rights. Hey stupid!! You're not a citizen. Duh! The Constitution is for Americans. Who is it that is organizing these people? Who is it that is supporting this Sombrero from Outer Space Alien Invasion? Let's throw out the illegals. Let's fine and or jail those who hire them and take away jobs from Americans. Let's build the Fence! Now!!!

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Location: United States

Let us gather our back packs and tools Let us hone our intelligence and skills Let us not be the useful idiot fools That as they lay in their beds are killed Let us rise up with the sun Let us stalk the night with the moon Let us our good works get done For soon we will be singing the Swords bloody tune Neils 4:53 am 06/15/2011

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Saturation point

I’ve reached the saturation point
With illegals at my local grocery store
I’m tired of their middle of the aisle tactics
Of them being in the way at entrance doors

They leave their carts just anyplace
They have no sense of flow
Their kids dig like rats into packages
And English isn’t all that important to know

The products now have Spanish labels
That’s all they talk as they check out
And if that holds up the line well then
They just act confused and filled with doubt

Or better yet they act like you're the one
Who’s the real problem anyway
They’re only innocently
Living their taking up space lives

And on a time clock that says.... take all day

7:06 pm


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